Lafayette's Tour 1824-5
The Bicentennial of Lafayette 's 1824-5 Farewell Tour of America is coming soon. I am on the American Friends of Lafayette committee planning activities to celebrate this in my state, New Hampshire. I am also a corporate officer of The Lafayette Trail, Inc.
Learn more about these non profits here:
I got involved in these organizations because of my interest in Lafayette and his Farewell Tour, which feature in my novel for MG/YA, A Buss from Lafayette.
This story about a troubled teenaged girl meeting the world famous Revolutionary War hero will help young readers understand who Major General Lafayette was and what he did to help us win our independence. (Great for fans of HAMILTON!)
I will be posting more about the Bicentennial Celebration as plans develop!
Major General Lafayette's Farewell Tour of America was unique in our history. To celebrate its bicentennial, events and activities are being planned on a state-by-state basis by the American Friends of Lafayette (, an organization devoted to "this great French visionary leader." It will start with a anniversary gala reception of some kind in New York City (where his arrival at Castle Garden is shown above) on August 16, 2024.
It will end in Washington, D.C. on September 6, 2025, the anniversary of his final departure from America. Many of these celebrations will center on the route of Lafayette's journey, currently being researched and marked by The Lafayette Trail, Inc. ( Other projects will include all of the United States.
Some of the activities under consideration are: re-enactments, parades, dances, banquets, speeches, crafts (re-creation of Farewell Tour souvenir items, etc.), school assemblies and performances, as well as essay and video competitions. Dorothea Jensen, author of A Buss from Lafayette, is involved in the planning by both of these organizations and will happily field requests and suggestions or answer questions sent to her at
Students of all ages are encouraged to participate in this once-in-a-lifetime historical celebration!
Portsmouth, NH
Bradford, New Hampshire
Suncook, NH