Santa's Izzy Elves:
Pictures & Games
Izzy Elf Games
Click the link above for a fun downloadable word search about all the Izzies!
Izzy Quizzies
Click on the links below to reach downloadable quizzes about all of the Santa's Izzy Elves!
Author Dorothea Jensen poses à la the Izzy Elves!
Izzy GIFs
(Animation by Shayne Hood)
Whizzy wraps the gifts made by the rest of the Izzy Elves.
Here is Shayne Hood's GIF showing Whizzy in action!
Tizzy waves "thank you" to Owen and Alex.
Tizzy, the Christmas Shelf Elf
Blizzy, the Worrywart Elf
(Animation by Shayne Hood)
Blizzy worrying about Tizzy's whereabouts.
Blizzy, the Worrywart Elf
(Animation by Shayne Hood.)
A peek at Dizzy through the Elfascope he invented. Blizzy, the Worrywart Elf.
(Animation by Shayne Hood)
Frizzy in the ElfGym conferring with Dizzy.
Frizzy, the S.A.D. Elf
(Animation by Shayne Hood.)
Bizzy discovers the perfect holiday spot for the Izzy Elves, Santa Claus Lane, on the internet.
Bizzy, the Bossy Boots Elf
(Animation by Shayne Hood.)
Bizzy Pix
Here's Bizzy in his usual working clothes.
Bizzy in his cool new swimming suit.
He finds a fantastic swimming spot at Santa Claus Lane.